Friday, May 6, 2011

Question: What is The Gospel?

Do you "KNOW" the Gospel or do you "presume" that you know the Gospel? Many of us are fortunate to hear the Gospel preached each week. But, although we are fortunate, those who are in the crowd of the "fortunate" take it for granted that they know the Gospel. A kind of Gospel by assimilation perhaps. Some often think it is about turning over a new leaf (the stench of moralism) or a list of do's and don'ts that leave them camped at the foot of  Mt. Sinai leading to a self righteousness and a looking down their noses at all the "other" rule breakers (the stench of legalism). Instead they should flee to Christ. The LIFE HE LIVED and the LIFE HE FREELY GAVE.
Repenting, turning from serving self to serving Christ. Believing that He and He alone accomplished what YOU could NOT. Not NOW. Not EVER.

Here is a link
What is the Gospel?

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