From a sermon by Ebenezer Erskine on Song of Solomon 8:5 –
"Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness leaning upon her Beloved?"
Question. What is the difference between the life of faith and the life of sense? . . .
1. Sense regards only what a man hath in hand, or presently enjoys; but faith looks to what a man hath in Christ, and in the well ordered covenant. Sense is like a child that is better pleased with a penny, or any little trifle the parent gives it, than if he were giving it a charter to the whole estate; but faith, although it will not despise any thing that comes from the hand of the Father, yet it is particularly taken up with the charter of the promise or covenant, and the estate lying in the hand of the great covenant-head, Christ Jesus; it views the promise as it is "yea and amen in Christ;" it views the covenant as confirmed by his death and blood, and says, with David, "This is all my salvation that he hath made with me," in my new covenant-head, "an everlasting covenant, well-ordered in all things, and sure."
2. Sense is ready to judge of the love of God by the aspect of Providence, or his present carriage; and whenever he seems to frown or hide, it razes all to the foundation, crying, "The Lord hath forgotten to be gracious;" but faith reads the love of God in the face of Jesus Christ, in the acceptance that the Surety has met with, and in the declarations, offers, promises of the word: "In his word will I hope, (says faith); Remember the word upon which thou hast caused thy servant to hope." Hence it follows,
3. Sense and sight is a variable and fluctuating thing; but faith is steady and fixed, like Abraham, "who against hope believed in hope, and staggered not at the promise through unbelief." . . .