Thursday, March 31, 2011

I love Cats!!!!!!

Recently I finished reading a book by Kevin DeYoung entitled, The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism. What a great read! The book is about the Heidelberg Catechism.

DeYoung, through this book, and his explanation of the catechism  has afforded me a great tool to help me catechise my children using the Heidelberg cat. Not growing up in a christian family nor a reformed confessional church, any catechism, in my mind, was always associated with the Roman Catholic church.
 Having grown up in a community that was Roman Catholic to the core, I found myself from time to time in a catechism class or two.

I am a little late to the catechism thing. But, "better late than never" as they say. What great and rich doctrinal truths are packed into the Heidelberg as well as the Westminster Shorter cat. What a joy and great privilege it is to catechise my children.

Get the book! Read the book! Kevin DeYoung does a great job of breaking down and explaining the catechism in a concise way while not watering down, with the risk of  losing the great truths that are contained within the cat.

Here is a great quote in the book about the gospel. What a gem!!!!

"My own efforts to be a good person are, in comparison to what God requires of me, positively miserable. I'll be damned, discouraged, and dismayed if being a follower of Jesus means nothing but a new set of things I'm supposed to do for Him. Instead, my following Jesus should be, first of all a declaration of all that He has done for me".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Say What?

Sounds like Rob Bell and Brian Mclaren having a theological discussion on the atonement and the existence of hell. I think I can better understand these two children. Huh, say what?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

20 Truth "Bullets" Created and Designed For Gospel Accuracy

Here are some quotes by Tullian Tchividjian that were in an article entitled "I'm Addicted" and can be found here. These bullets points are actually from a series of tweets by Tullian. Oh, how sweet the gospel is!!! The gospel of grace, that is.

  • Because Jesus was strong for me, I am free to be weak;
  • Because Jesus won for me, I am free to lose;
  • Because Jesus was Someone, I am free to be no one;
  • Because Jesus was extraordinary, I am free to be ordinary;
  • Because Jesus succeeded for me, I am free to fail.

  • The banner under which Christians live reads “It is finished.”
  • Our security is in Christ’s achievement for us, so now we’re free to admit our weaknesses without feeling like our flesh is bring ripped off our bones
  • Only when you realize that the gospel has nothing to do with your obedience but Christ’s obedience for you, will you start to obey!
  • At no point in time, either before God saves you or after, does your behavior determine God’s love for you.
  • Since a Christian’s value and identity is anchored in Christ and is not anchored in being right, the gospel frees us to admit we’re wrong.
  • The gospel frees us from trying to impress people, prove ourselves to people, and make people think we’re something that we’re not.
  • The gospel transforms us precisely because it’s not itself a message about our transformation but Christ’s substitution.
  • The gospel frees us to realize that while we matter, we’re not the point
  • “Doing” will become instinctive and spontaneous only when our hearts become deeply gripped by what’s been done!
  • Only the gospel can liberate us from the miserable, unquenchable pursuit to make something of ourselves by using others.
  • Because everything we long for we already possess in Christ, we’re now free to love people, not use them.
  • Our improvement comes from God’s approval; God’s approval does not come from our improvement.
  • Christ fulfilled all of God’s conditions on our behalf so that our relationship with God could be unconditional.
  • The gospel frees you from the pressure of having to make something out of yourself.
  • Christian, the level of passion with which God loves you is not determined by the level of passion with which you love him. The Son’s passion for you secured the Father’s passion for you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jehovah's Witnesses: The Success Of Less Than Beautiful Feet

Romans 10:15
And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!

According to the National Council of American and Canadian Churches, in their yearbook report for 2011, the Jehovah's Witness membership was up 4.37% for the year 2010. That number was up from a growth of approximately 2% in 09. Mainline Christian denominations as a whole experienced no growth or even declined in membership in 2010. The Mormons grew around 2%  as well in 2010 according to this report.

These statistics are not good news. But, in the grand scheme of God's design and plans, these things are to be.

My friend coordinates an outreach ministry  where he goes into the  neighborhoods surrounding our church sharing the gospel. A Romans 10:15 kind of thing. With vigor and in the same area, so do the Jehovah's Witnesses.  Having some knowledge of their heretical beliefs and a New World Translation in case he bumps into or visits a house of a JW is beneficial.

 So, with that in mind a  few weeks ago I stopped by a Kingdom Hall to see if they would give me two copies of the New World Translations. I had been casing this place out weeks prior to actually pulling into the parking lot. Vowing, that when I passed by and saw vehicles parked in front, I would stop. Crazy, but in my mind, I was like a spy trying to find that perfect opening to slip behind enemy lines and slip out again unnoticed and unscathed. I know, too many, way too many war movies growing up. But I suppose it is a form of warfare, spiritual warfare. By the way, that parking lot has recently been expanded.  An obvious sign that their membership is growing.  Maybe, the numbers above are  accurate after all. Not a good thing.

 I prayed, then went in. I was greeted by four smiling friendly faces. I was a bit nervous. I  felt as if I had walked into the belly of the beast. The plan was to ask for two copies of the NWT and scoot out quickly. No engaging in conversation. Just duc in and duc out. They asked if they could be of  some assistance. After stumbling over a few unrecognisable words and introducing myself, I finally asked for a couple  copies of the NWT. They told me that today was my lucky day. They had been out of the ones that they could freely give away and just received a shipment the previous day. I am thinking, thank you God for your providence. Not sure if I could have mustered up enough courage to come back.

So, they kindly gave me my copies and we began to talk. I began asking them questions about Watchtower ecclissiology. Specifically "their" individual rolls in evangelism.

 There are three categories, generally, of JW's. These categories are divided by the amount of hours one goes door to door evangelising or "preaching" as they call it. Publishers, pioneers and auxiliary pioneers are required to spend approximately 30-50 hours a month "preaching" or doing bible studies with prospective converts. They call these bible studies, "book studies". I asked them if they were pioneers or publishers. 
They were a little taken aback that I knew this. I didn't want them to shut down and run me off. I was praying that the conversation would not become combative and I could get to the gospel. So, I just continued to ask questions about their evangelism techniques.

They showed me a big map of the  surrounding area on a wall near the entrance to their conference room. On this map were names given or assigned to strategically mapped out areas near where the JW's lived. Each JW was given the responsibility to spend 30-50 hours or more visiting homes, preaching, handing out Watchtower literature in their allocated areas. After each visit to a home they fill out cards (which they proudly showed me), that give a description of their visit and they then turn it in. I am not sure who gets the info. Chances are if you have been visited by a JW they have noted that visit in writing and filed somewhere. At least that is what these folks were doing at this specific Kingdom Hall.

Sad to say that this is an incredibly effective system they have. The many visits and the highly effective dumping of tons of demonic Watchtower literature into the homes of the unsuspecting and naive.

We finally sat down in their conference room. I apologised for taking up so much of their time. It appeared, as I was coming in,  they were about to leave. They were in fact leaving. They met there to strategise and go out to propagate their false gospel in their assigned locals. I was simply making their job much easier that day, they said. I began to ask them questions about certain beliefs. Things that I had only read  that a JW believes. I had no reason to doubt that what I had been reading and learning what they believe wasn't true. But hearing it straight from the horses mouth was something different all together. We talked and it was cordial. I let them know that in no way I agreed with their false doctrine and if they continued in this, they would be damned for eternity. I asked if I could share my belief in what the gospel truly is. With a little hesitation they agreed, and it would be fine. Before I started I couldn't help to be angry and saddened.

Angry because Satan is blinding and deceiving these people. But, all the while knowing, they are heaping to themselves doctrines they want to hear and consciously at some point rejecting the truth.

 Angry because they are being used by Satan to drag, not only these families, but using them to go out in the communities to spew this filth and spew it effectively.

 Angry because the stories they were telling me of professing Christians slamming the door  in their face and having guns waved in their face, without offering any true gospel message.

Angry that untold generations of people, like the lady and her two children sitting across the table from me, are being dragged to hell as doors are being slammed in their face. I know, I know, I just stated that above. I guess I am repeating it twice for emphasis sake, kinda like the apostle Paul does on a couple of occassions.

Saddened because I  use to slam the door with the best of  'em

I was saddened because I know that God has allowed us to participate in such a glorious thing by sharing and proclaiming the gospel and for the most part we are unwilling to participate.
Saddened because we have the words of life and want to keep them for ourselves.

Saddened that some think that even without the  righteousness of Christ imputed to them, they are still better than the cultist.

Saddened that somehow Christians forget that the people in cults are still created in the image of God. They still bear His image. The image of YOUR maker.

As I shared the gospel, much to my surprise they put up little resistance. They listened. I tried to shove as much truth in this gospel presentation coupled with scripture, in which I used my brand New World Translation.

Listen, that day I had no intentions of sharing the gospel with these people. For one, I feared getting "ganged up on". I mean there was four against one after all. I am so thankful that when I am weak He is strong.
That day I made it easy for them. I showed up to their door.
They make it easy for us. They show up at our door. I am not advocating that everyone should tangle theologically with a JW. Most of us don't know enough sound doctrine to explain it to a 3 year old. Some of these guys can twist the average christian into a pretzel quick. But as a christian you should know the gospel. Share it. Study and be prepared if they come by.

Remember Romans 10:15
And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things